P01 | Candle Holder Second Prototypes

After making changes to the Grasshopper definition to make it more robust and making sure that the variation in pipe thickness changes based on the height of candle holder, I defined a family taxonomy and then selected six to create the final collection. I then selected my favorite ones to 3D print in both ABS and PLA and test if I could print them without dissolvable support structure since the shapes are really complex.


The first three images are two different designs made for tea lights and 3D printed in the uPrint at Pratt, which has soluble support material that was removed in a chemical wash. The black and grey designs on the second and third row of the image grid were printed in a MakerBot. Unlike the black, the grey design did not need support material to be printed. I removed by hand all of the support material on the black design... and it was not worth it. Even though printing in the uPrint or similar 3D printers that have soluble support is more expensive, especially for a prototype, it is worth using them for the rest of this project.